The SatLab GNSS receiver is a high-precision that performs even under the most demanding conditions. With this GNSS receiver, it is capable of delivering highly accurate GPS data in real-time to any device via a Bluetooth connection. Satellite correction service, compact and lightweight, this rtk GNSS is one of the most flexible solutions that promise positioning reliability.
With surveyors in mind, SatLab GNSS designed a solution to increase efficiency in your workflow by cutting down time wasted from offsetting slanted measurements. With the tilt compensator and GNSS antenna, the GNSS Receiver can save up to 20 percent of time compared to conventional surveying practices. This GNSS solution allows you to focus on your surroundings conveniently while ensuring your safety and comfort.
Powered by the advanced engine, this receiver offers precise positioning and advanced interference mitigation which performs even in the most remote or challenging environments. Using its 1408 channel tracking capabilities, it can track all current and upcoming signals, offering sub-metre excellently to centimetre precise positioning with different modes (RTK, PPK, Static).
The GNSS Receiver has TerraStar capabilities that use a global network of multi-GNSS reference stations and advanced algorithms to generate highly precise GNSS satellite orbit, clock, biases, and other system parameters. These data allow TerraStar to provide correction services with sub-metre or centimetre-level positioning accuracy to receivers. Get your corrections transmitted in real-time, with minimal latency via satellites and cellular networks worldwide.