The RTK SL800 provides an easy and convenient solution to survey professionals requiring just one receiver in the field connecting to CORS.
The gnss receiver provides an easy solution for survey professionals who require a portable instrument to collect high-precision data for various geospatial usage. It allows user flexibility to easily collect data with just one rtk receiver in the field connecting to CORS via any preferred devices to keep you focused and productive.
Powered by NovAtel OEM729 GNSS engine, this receiver offers precise positioning and advanced interference mitigation which performs even in the most remote or challenging environments. Using its 555 channel tracking capabilities, it can track all current and upcoming signals, offering sub-metre to centimetre precise positioning.
The SL800 has TerraStar capabilities that use a global network of multi-GNSS reference stations and advanced algorithms to generate highly precise GNSS satellite orbit, clock, biases, and other system parameters. These data allow TerraStar to provide correction services with sub-metre or centimetre-level positioning accuracy to receivers. Get your corrections transmitted in real-time, with minimal latency via satellites and cellular networks worldwide.